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Process Automation Platform

Create Enterprise Web Applications supporting your business processes fast, reliably and with minimal effort.

Since 2007 we have been providing a successful commercial technology for our customer projects, but

LSPS is now available to you for FREE!


Offers the best of


Design, model, test, execute, monitor, and optimize business processes.



Automate planning, coding, building, testing, releasing, deployment, operation, and monitoring of business applications.

Enterprise RAD

Enterprise RAD

Create reliable custom business applications fast and with less coding.

Solid architecture

Solid architecture
  • JEE web-based LSPS Application
  • Integrated LSPS Server that allows you to deploy, run, and manage application models
  • Support for variety of mainstream RDBMS to store application data
  • Built-in Vaadin forms or alternative JavaScript front-ends
  • LSPS server and application REST API
  • Automatically built Docker image with the whole LSPS application
  • Possibility to deploy to Cloud

  Server architecture

Solid architecture


  • LSPS Designer: an Eclipse IDE for modeling, Java development, and server management
  • LSPS Management Console: a web application used to monitor and manage the server’s runtime and model execution
  • LSPS CLI: a command-line tool for automation of remote management of LSPS Server(s)

  Designer | Management tools




Goal-Oriented Business Process Model and Notation (GO‑BPMN) covers all essential aspects of business application.

  • Business processes modeled by standard BPMN 2.0
  • Goal-based process model and BPMN extensions for dynamic and agile processes
  • Modeling-time and runtime DMMN decision tables
  • Organization model controlling access to data and functionality
  • Object-oriented data model and data constraints
  • Functions, methods and queries implementing business logic
  • Application forms, graphs and reports for application UI
  • REST and SOAP application API
  • and more

  More on modeling


Focus on Agility

Focus on Agility
  • Process Goal Technology™ enables modeling of agile and complex processes
  • GO-BPMN goes beyond strict BPMN modeling with extensions for dynamic, event-based processes
  • BPMN models are used as “default” workflow, but the actual execution of activities depends on real-time conditions and events
  • Management tools and modeling mechanisms facilitate updating models of running processes in run-time
  • Model and execution reflection allows to create self-managed business process applications
  • DevOps automation tools empowering flexible changes of production processes and LSPS applications

  Modeling agile processes | Application restart | Model update

Focus on Agility

Extensibility and Highly Customizable Applications

Extensibility and Highly Customizable Applications
  • Business solutions tailored to specific requirements of your customers and application users
  • Application-specific L&F, functionality and integrations
  • Create custom modeling functions, tasks types, UI components, for specific functionality and application integration
  • Integration with any Java library

  Customizing the LSPS Application

Extensibility and Highly Customizable Applications


LSPS best suits for business process automation. All, human-centric, automatic and hybrid processes are well covered. LSPS application can provide quite complex functional and dynamic custom user interface, robust business logic, but also integration with external systems. Orchestration of business services/processes is also the domain of LSPS applications. Thanks to ERAD features, LSPS can be successfully applied for smaller or middle-sized systems with possibly non-trivial behavior, which are build and maintained more quickly and effectively than with conventional software development tools. LSPS is a perfect solution for innovation projects exposing various manifestations of intelligence.

The most effectively is LSPS used by IT professionals in small/middle-sized teams working on shared development artifacts working within agile projects with possibly significant rate of prototyping.

Another common usage of LSPS is by business analysts to use advantages of GO‑BPMN modeling to produce analytical models of the business/application while designing the desired business solution or its improvements.

Because LSPS is an advanced intelligent BPMS, providing fast and effective application development, business-oriented application modeling with standard BPMN and DMN extended by goal-based modeling and modeling agile business processes, unique model testing and debugging features, covering full BPM lifecycle with automation tools in the DevOps style, variability of application deployment to cloud or on-premisses, and runtime management and monitoring. Last but not least, all LSPS tools are free.

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By Radovan Cervenka

Starting from Version 3.6, everyone can now download and use LSPS for free!


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