Intelligent Business Process Management with LSPS
By Radovan Cervenka
Automation, effective operation and continuous improvement of business processes is the key goal of LSPS for enterprise applications. The supported business processes can be dynamic and complex and have to take into account a network of internal and external relationships. In addition, processes can be structured and repeatable or unstructured and ad-hoc.
The key approach of LSPS to successfully cope with such complex systems is to enable fast and automatized applying of the BPM life-cycle in possibly incremental and iterative way.
Design: Rich modeling of all key aspects of existing business processes during this phase allows to identify current process and design the proposed changes. The LSPS Designer directly used by business engineers allows to outline the conceptual processes, organization structure, business data, etc. In addition, the conceptual models can be easily prototyped to verify satisfaction of requirements for business change.
Modeling and Testing: Evolution of conceptual business model leads to a fully executional model of the application. The LSPS Designer provides tools for GO‑BPMN modeling, model validation, one-click model deployment to development environment, testing, and debugging. In addition, developers can create a custom web application to provide end-user environment for running business models. The provided Eclipse Java IDE offers all possibilities for coding, building, deployment, testing and debugging.
Execution: During this phase the end-users are using the application in their business. To come to this, LSPS provides continuous building and deployment of the application to the execution environment. A special care is dedicated to migration of business applications with long-running processes, migration of business data, changes in organization structures, changes in UI, etc. The execution environment is based on LSPS Server, a scalable JEE-based platform with rich monitoring and management possibilities.
Monitoring: LSPS provides a built-in BAM (business activity monitoring) tool with business-specific or out-of-the-box statiscics, report, and grapgs. The BAM tool as whole or particular reports/graphs can be arbitrary integrated to other parts of UI. Operations on business data, business events and activities of business processes are logged and can be used for keeping track and analyzing performance, failures or exceptional situations of business or technical relevance.
Optimization: The results of monitoring can be used by business engineers, busuness executors or by processes themselves to identify performance bottlenecks, possibilities of improvements and requirements for further business and software application improvements.
Remark on Intelligence
LSPS is usually classified as an Intelligent BPMS. There’s no magic behind “intelligence” but several practical mechanisms and tools to achieve complex behavior of business process governance (automatic business processes watching and managing other business processes) with minimal engineering effort:
- goal-based process modeling,
- decision modeling,
- agile processes, and
- reflection of model and execution.